Three (almost four now) straight all-nighters, with only a few hours of sleep thrown in between the days, and yet I am unable to sleep. If someone was really keen on looking out for 'signs', I wonder what would this count as? But with assignments taking their toll on me and with my procratinatinating streak, in this supposedly "easy-going" semester, I couldn't blame anybody. Perhaps what I need is a time capture device to store away this wasted time that I could release anytime later and put it to some good use, say sleeping. The past week, the only thing that I had done remotely close to my academics was a Graphics assignment with OpenGL and stuff. And I was shocked to see a note from the Teaching Assistant which stated his inability to execute the 'C' Code. Apparently, I have to mail him the entire workspace, something that I find absolutely ridiculous. Just how difficult is it to set up a workspace and execute the code. To make things real bad, I have a...