The news that Google had hired some hotshot browser specialist has lead to worldwide speculation that Google may be dabbling into the wide world of browsers. The only thing that I feel hearing all this stuff is that it doesn't make sense for it to be dedicating its resources into building 'just a browser'.
Maybe what it has in store for us is something bigger, real big. What Google did with Blogger is a candid example of it's tremendous marketing. So what could Google be upto? Speculations also float around that Google is working on an Instant Messenger. Some people say that, coupling this with Gmail and adding an element of community networking, something like Orkut may be what Google has in mind. But given the fact that Google has been one of the few companies that have shown its true innovating capabilities, it seems it'll not be just this!
The smartest concept people have thrown about deals with Google's core strengths- data management, integrated web...